Terra Java, Arcadia Neighborhood, Phoenix AZ

At the counter @ Terra Java
Terra Java, Phoenix AZ
Thanks to my mom’s gift of gab, I got the chance to chat with Omea Eaglerider, co-owner of this community gathering place in Central Phoenix.
Omea is a chef-turned-coffeehouse-owner. She had been leasing the kitchen in this coffeehouse, formerly Mama Java’s for eighteen months. Mama Java’s had been in business for eight years, but due to personal issues the owner needed to close the business. He turned to Omea, and a year ago offered her the opportunity to takeover the business.
Within 48 hours she said YES and combined her catering company “Terra Bites” with Mama Java’s creating “Terra Java Coffee House” where she can sell her world-themed foods to her coffee customers every day.
Coffee choice: They sell coffee varieties from Passport Coffee, roasted locally in the Scottsdale Airpark. Also offered are many other local and healthy food options.
Barista LOVE! They just sent one of their baristas to an international competition. I love it when owners support their employee’s passions, too.
Lovin’ the local flavor of Arizona!

Phoenix AZ 85018
602.840.5282 http://www.terrajava.biz
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