Ground Control Coffeehouse, Goodyear AZ

Afterburner Roast by Ground Control
1964 was a great year!! One of my favorite events during this very historical time in our country was my birth at Luke Air Force Base near the White Tank Mountains of Arizona. LOL.
Last week I coerced my Mom into taking me to Base so I could reconnect with my past; to see what had changed and what had stayed the same after so many years. Our timing was perfect! Lucky for us we were able to see some of the new F-35 jets fly in formation, peel off one at a time then land one the flight line. As a kid, I remember parking next to the road at the end of the line watching the F-15s and F-16s land one right after another. I could sit there for hours … the precision, the sound, the strength, and oddly magical … it has always given me a thrill!
Still on a natural high, we took Litchfield Road south past the lower entrance and guess what we found? One of the biggest independent coffeehouses I’ve seen yet: Ground Control, owned by one of the training pilots at Luke, Sean Rassas and his wife Tara. They have successfully brought together their love of coffee, community, food, world class beer and wine. This is “where community happens”!

Luke AFB
They also roast their own coffee daily right there in the entry space that is both their roastery and the front counter. This multi-purpose room also serves as storage for their bags of green beans and the espresso machine where the baristas tamp out yummy shots of java. They recently delivered a select roast to Oskar Blues, a small brewery in northern Colorado. to brew up their very own coffee stout.
GET OUT OF HERE!!! How cool is that? ~Lisa
Ground Control 4860 N Litchfield Rd.Goodyear, AZ 85395
(623) 535-9066
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