Our ultimate vision: to keep the small, local independents alive and THRIVING!

Paris on the Platte’s Sidewalk Sandwich Sign in LoDo, Denver
I had a long conversation yesterday with a coffeehouse owner about the business of owning a coffeehouse … you know, the challenges associated with keeping it going on a daily basis. “The margin in coffee is just so low”, he said.
His coffeehouse has been in Denver for over 20 years and also has experience in fine dining. He has chosen to diversify his offerings to include alcohol and live music in the evenings. The location of the coffeehouse used to be a popular destination, but now sits on a very busy neighborhood street and feels it is lost in the shuffle.
He indicated these as his biggest challenges:
- Keeping overhead low; especially getting reasonable pricing on dry goods and condiments from suppliers
- Attracting and keeping knowledgeable, involved baristas
- Staying abreast of the growing, changing coffee culture both locally and globally in the midst of a 7-day work week
- Finding that niche again: offering unique products, services that keep customers returning
This is where I’d love to help by creating a community of coffeehouse owners to support each other, where they can build camaraderie and brainstorm ideas. Where I could assist them in building a co-op to purchase products and services that help their bottomline while maintaining a thriving local economy. Let’s just do it!
Contact me at lisa@thelocalcoffeehouse.com if you’d like to find out more about my vision.
Luvin’ Local, Lisa
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