The Desk, Capitol Hill Neighborhood, Denver Colorado
I watched in anticipation as the older building near the capitol was being remodeled. Most notable was the sign painted on the side of the old brick wall facing Grant Street.
The simplicity of it captured my attention … very mysterious. Soooo I went to the website to see if this was going to be a writer’s haven-type coffeehouse. No information. I was devastated at the time.
The mystery was solved last week. I scheduled to meet my web developer there for a meeting and it was brilliantly designed and meticulously planned for writers, developers, students. For those people that need to focus for long periods of time in a cool environment.
Front of the house is a coffeehouse with tables, chairs, wifi, and a bubbly water fountain (awesomeness).
Back of the house contains small offices, a conference room, a very loooong table with lots of outlets for computers and other electronic paraphernalia. There is a fee for this area; by the hour or with a monthly membership.
This coop workspace AND coffeehouse rules in my book!